Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 Workshop

Oxford, 7-9th September 2022


Over three days, delegates to the hybrid Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 Workshop will discuss and determine research priorities for the Arctic that will be important over the next decade. Delegates will draw from suggestions of research priorities submitted by participants from around the world via an online survey. The diverse range of expertise and perspectives offered by delegates will help shape the future Arctic research agenda, and ensure that research can meet the needs of the future.

The workshop will operate through a combination of plenary and breakout sessions. For in-person delegates, lunch and coffee will be provided, and optional accommodation has been reserved at St. Peter’s College. There will be a workshop dinner on the evening of Thursday 8th Sep. 

The daily in-person schedule will be approx. 08:45-18:00. Online delegates will have their voices heard in dedicated sessions, detailed below. The main workshop venue is the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, with breakout rooms in nearby locations. The workshop will be conducted in English. Please get in touch if you require more details about the schedule before being able to register.

Before attending, all delegates are expected to have participated in the online survey to gather suggestions of research priorities.

All delegates will contribute to the authorship of a peer-reviewed publication outlining research priorities for the Arctic.

Online participation schedule

Weds 7 Sep: 14:00-15:30 and 16:00-18:00 UK time (BST)
Thurs 8 Sep: 14:00-15:30 and 16:00-18:00 BST
Fri 9 Sep: 14:00-16:00 BST, with optional morning attendance 09:45-11:00 and 11:30-13:00 BST


The cost of in-person attendance is £95, with optional accommodation and a workshop dinner available. The cost of online attendance is £20. 

Accommodation options include a standard room with shared facilities in St Peter’s College for £55/night, or an en-suite room for £85/night. All rooms are on the main site of the college. The workshop dinner on 8th Sep is a three-course meal in St Peter’s College, subsidised by the Polar Forum, and costs £34.25.

As in-person places are limited to 50, and we want to ensure a good balance of expertise, we are awarding in-person places on the basis of a short application. To apply for in-person attendance, please fill in this Google Form (deadline extended). We aim to return decisions promptly. Successful applicants will then be able to register via the University of Oxford’s Online Stores.

To register for online attendance, please follow this link to the University of Oxford’s Online Stores. The deadline is 31st Aug.

Covering costs for Indigenous delegates

We are fundraising to be able to cover all costs of attendance (including travel) for Indigenous delegates. If you are from an Indigenous community and would like to be considered for this, you can let us know as part of the application formSimilarly, if you would like to attend online you will be eligible for a fee-waiver; please contact Sam Cornish to request this.


The results of the Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 will contribute towards the ongoing efforts of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to identify key scientific questions and issues through the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP) initiative. ICARP IV will be held in Boulder, CO (USA) in 2025. 

The Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 is a UN Ocean Decade endorsed activity. The Decade is an opportunity to create a new foundation across the science-policy interface to strengthen the management of our coasts and oceans for the benefit of humanity. Its motto is: “The science we need for the ocean we want.” The Arctic Ocean is central to the Arctic region and plays a vital role in livelihoods, ecosystems and climate. The Horizon Scan will unearth research priorities that will help to protect and monitor these essential services to humanity.

UN Ocean Decade logo
Oxford University Polar Forum logo


For more information, contact Sam Cornish, Marc Macias-Fauria, or Helen Woods.

Statement on Russia in relation to the Horizon Scan

The Oxford University Polar Forum condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces and is greatly saddened by the continued and unnecessary loss of life due to this war.

We recognise and will act in line with national guidance regarding scientific collaborations with Russian and Belarussian institutions. Our current research activity, the Arctic Horizon Scan 2022, will not involve any flow of capital to Russia or any formal partnerships with Russian institutions.

However, the Arctic without Russia is very much incomplete. Russia comprises over half the Arctic Ocean coastline, and is home to nearly half of the Arctic’s population. The Arctic Horizon Scan 2022 will consider research questions related to the Russian Arctic. And, as permitted by national guidelines, individual Russian researchers will be able to participate in the initiative. 

In practice, we understand that it is not possible for Russian nationals living in Russia without a visa to come to the UK and attend the Oxford workshop in person. These individuals will be able to attend online.

Code of conduct

The Oxford University Polar Forum is committed to offering an inclusive, safe and respectful environment for all participants in the Arctic Horizon Scan 2022, whether online or in-person.

The code of conduct applies to all participants, and prohibits harassment in any form as well as hate speech. 

Harassment is any unwelcome or improper conduct that might reasonably be expected to cause offence or humiliation to another person. Harassment in any form because of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, physical appearance, ethnicity, race, national origin, political affiliation, age, religion or any other reason is prohibited. Sexual harassment is a specific type of prohibited conduct, and is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offense or humiliation. Sexual harassment may involve any conduct of a verbal, nonverbal or physical nature, including written and electronic communications, and may occur between persons of the same or different genders.

Hate speech is abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. 

Any participant who feels that they have been harassed, or have witnessed harassment or hate speech, may report the matter to the event organisers, Sam Cornish or Marc Macias-Fauria. The organisers will endeavour to take appropriate action, which may include, but is not limited to: undertaking a fact-finding exercise, requesting the perpetrator to immediately stop the offending behaviour, suspending or terminating the perpetrator’s access to the workshop, conveying the complaint to investigative or disciplinary authorities with jurisdiction over the person accused of harassment, and conveying a report to the employer of the person accused of harassment for appropriate follow-up action. A victim of harassment may also seek help from other relevant authorities such as the police.