We have a YouTube Channel!!
Please do visit our brand new YouTube channel by clicking in here. We will upload the recorded videos of our seminar series in it. You can watch Drs Tom Hart and Isla Myers-Smith past seminars there.
Please do visit our brand new YouTube channel by clicking in here. We will upload the recorded videos of our seminar series in it. You can watch Drs Tom Hart and Isla Myers-Smith past seminars there.
Do join us this Fall term with our online seminar series!! Seminars take place every Wednesday afternoon and are announced in Oxford Talks, our website, and our mailing list. Please find more information on the individual events in our events page or at the bottom of our Home Page. 14 October (16h BST) Speaker: Dr Tom …
As Arctic summers warm, Earth’s northern landscapes are changing. Using satellite images to track global tundra ecosystems over decades, a new collaborative study involving the University of Oxford and global institutions across the world, found the region has become greener, as warmer air and soil temperatures lead to increased plant growth. For the expanded story, …
Read more “Warming Temperatures Are Driving Arctic Greening”
New research, published in Nature, led by scientists at the University of Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, and at the Geological Survey of Israel, provides evidence from Siberian caves suggesting that summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean plays an essential role in stabilising permafrost and its large store of carbon. More info on …
Read more “Sea-ice-free Arctic makes permafrost vulnerable to thawing”
The British Embassy in Moscow and Consulate General in Ekaterinburg now invite bids for projects commencing in the 2020-2021 financial year. For further details please visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/call-for-bids-2020-2021
This blog was originally published on the Evidently Scientifical blog – a group of Oxford PhD students exploring science of the environment and climate, as well as PhD life. For more stories visit evidentlyscientifical.wordpress.com 1: Longyearbyen, with the glacier Longyearbreen just visible looming over the town. By Georgia Hole , PhD student in the School …
Read more “A Baptism of Ice – Fieldwork Training in Svalbard”
Dr Helen Johnson, Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography at the Dept. of Earth Sciences, Oxford, has co-authored a new international study that has found that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, a deep-ocean process that plays a key role in regulating Earth’s climate, is primarily driven by cooling waters west of Europe. Contrary to the prevailing …
Arctic freshwater content (FWC) has increased significantly over the last two decades, with potential future implications for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation down stream. We investigate the relationship between Arctic FWC and atmospheric circulation in the control run of a coupled climate model. Multiple linear lagged regression is used to extract the response of total …
Read more “Arctic Ocean Freshwater Content and Its Decadal Memory of Sea‐Level Pressure”
Oxford University Polar Forum members Helen L. Johnson and Yves Plancherel publish with Camille Lique in Climate Dynamics. The Arctic Basin was found to become seasonally ice-free, when modelled in response to a 4-time increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. Read the abstract on our publications page.
Dr Marc Macias-Fauria and Professor Eric Post publish a new article on the direct and indirect effects of Arctic sea ice (ASI) on biological process on land and at sea.